Artis Makeup Brushes + 1 Brush 3 Ways

Artis Makeup Brushes + 1 Brush 3 Ways

Artis Makeup Brushes + 1 Brush 3 Ways

It’s no secret that I love makeup as much as the next girl. When I’m not shopping for clothes, I’m shopping for new beauty products. Don’t you just love the way fresh makeup looks before it’s ever been used? 

While I’d like to think I’ve mastered which products stay on my skin and look best with my skin tone, I’ve always been on the hunt for perfect makeup brushes. I’ve gone through so many and never really wanted to spend good money on them. Now that I’m older it’s worth it to me to invest in nicer brushes because the application does actually look better, and with the proper care good brushes can last (and look new!) for a really long time.

For Christmas my mom gave me the Artis Oval 7 makeup brush. Prior to receiving the brush I didn’t know much about Artis makeup brushes except that they were ergonomic for easier and better application (and they were beautiful counter candy). This particular one looks like a mini hairbrush and has single handedly changed the way foundation looks on my face, AKA glowy.

Artis makeup brushes have microscopic fibres that go beyond the actual brush head. These fine fibers help keep the product on top of the brush, rather than sinking into it. What does this mean for you? Better application and less product wasted. 

The company was kind enough to send me their essential brush set and I couldn’t wait to experiment with them! Unlike traditional brushes with specific actions (“eyelid shader” or something like that), Artis makeup brushes are named as shapes. Names include circle, oval, and linear, based off of the natural organic shapes that make up the face. So, instead of having one brush for a singular action, you can use one brush for multiple actions based upon what part of the face the brush will touch.

Which brings me to the most exciting part about this post: how I use the Artis Circle 1R brush 3 different ways! Remember last weekend when you were trying to find all 6-8 brushes to complete your look? Now you only need 1 or 2 for entire face makeup application!

This entire look below uses only 2 brushes: the Artis Oval 7 brush for foundation application prior to recording, and the Artis Circle 1R brush for everything else. Yes. Everything else.




You can use this one brush to:

Conceal – A little bit of concealer, or anything, goes a long way with these brushes. I spot covered some tiny blemishes and went under my eyes with this brush, then gently buffed the makeup into my skin.

Apply Eyeshadow – Technically there’s an extra way to use the brush here, but since both ways involve eyeshadow I didn’t want to get too crazy. One way is probably the most traditional way: gently pull the eyelid and then in a sweeping motion apply color to the crease of the lid. The second (bonus!) way to use this brush is to take a highlighter color and dab into the tear ducts near the nose to brighten up the eyes.

Clean up Edges – I’m not a big fan of lip liner but I do appreciate a crisp bold lip. After applying makeup, you can run this brush along the edge of the lip with our without concealer to clean up any edges. Voila! 







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